Christina Fraval Osteopathy

Orofacial Myology & Breathing Education

“While the journey towards wellbeing may begin with a practitioner — integration of wellbeing is attained from the self

In my practice over the past 20 years, and with my own children, I have seen and experienced how osteopathy, orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) and breathing education together achieve exceptional results.

Through my work as an osteopath, I noticed more and more breathing issues as part of the clinical picture in my patients. This gave me the impetus to further my knowledge and study OMT and Buteyko based breathing education.

From a young age, one of my own children had issues with blocked ears, chronic congestion, mouth breathing, behavioural issues, bed wetting and dental crowding. Through my study and working with a holistic dentist I was able help my son overcome many of these issues by incorporating OMT and breathing exercises alongside the osteopathic treatment he received.

In the last 5 years I have worked with adults and children in resolving breathing dysfunction. I work collaboratively with various holistic dentists with a focus on sleep medicine, assisting patients with mouth breathing, teeth grinding, snoring, sleep apnoea, malocclusion, pre-orthodontics, jaw pain, craniofacial pain and tongue tie.

I believe we all have the ability to heal from within given the right environment. The body has a self-healing mechanism which is constantly striving for optimum health. It is from this viewpoint that my practice is incorporated.

‘Osteopathy is based on the perfection of nature’s work. When all parts of the human body are in line we have health.’

ANDREW TAYLOR STILL (Osteopathy founder)

Osteopathy is a science of physiology and mechanics. Osteopaths view the body as single unit of function, with all systems interrelating and interconnecting. If there is dysfunction then the body will move towards a state of ‘dis-ease’. Osteopathic treatment works with the body to restore normal function so that the body can move itself naturally towards health.

As an Osteopath I work with the whole body in a unique way, considering all aspects of health, including emotion, physical and physiological balance. I strive to stabalise bodily function, allowing it to return to health through gentle osteopathic techniques, including cranial osteopathy and biodynamic osteopathy. For more information about my osteopathy services please see my profile at the Children’s Osteopathic Centre.


Osteopathic Treatment and Services Overview

Snoring and Sleep apnoea

From the Buteyko breathing perspective sleep apnoea and snoring occur due to incorrect breathing, specifically over breathing or chronic hyperventilation.

Bedwetting or increased nighttime urination

The function of ADH is to prevent urination. Children and adults with OSA often don’t reach the fourth stage of sleep because of constant arousals and gasping episodes.

Panic attacks/stress and anxiety

By normalizing the breathing pattern through exercises, the individual is able to reduce stress hormones in the body, settling the state of stress and panic.

Teeth Grinding/jaw tension/headache

Many people grind and clench their jaw during the day and at night causing pain and tension in the head, neck and temporomandibular joint.


Buteyko Breathing Method for reducing symptoms and the need for medication in the treatment of asthma.

Malocclusion and dental issues

Malocclusion and dental issues are often associated with orofacial myofunctional disorders such as harmful habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, pacifier use, incorrect swallow patterns, tongue thrusting, weak orofacial muscles, tongue and lip ties.

Nasal congestion

Chronic nasal congestion can be very debilitating for many people. There are a variety of reasons for chronic nasal congestion.

ADHD and hyperactivity

n estimated 25 to 50% of people with ADHD experience sleep problems, ranging from insomnia to secondary sleep conditions

How we breathe effects everything that we do in our lives and all of the cellular functions in our body. We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day.

Breathing correctly is the most important thing we can do to maintain perfect harmony in the body. In today’s world when life is fast-paced and often busy, there is a major tendency for people to ‘over breath’ and develop unhealthy breathing patterns.

I first became interested in breathing education at a young age when I sustained an injury which prevented me from breathing through my nose. As a result of this injury I became a mouth-breather with persistent health issues relating to sore throats and tonsillitis.

Fortunately I was able to overcome this issue by receiving breathing education with a Buteyko breathing practitioner and with this knowledge I have now been able to assist my clients overcome many issues, including my own father who was able to remove himself from all his asthma medication.

In the last five years I have focused a substantial amount of my time and study on helping people resolve breathing dysfunction. I also work collaboratively with a number of holistic dentists who focus on sleep medicine, assisting patients with mouth-breathing, teeth-grinding, snoring, sleep apnoea, malocclusion and pre-orthodontics.

The long- and short-term effects of dysfunctional breathing influences the body in many ways but can contribute, or be the cause of, the following issues:
• panic attacks
• stress and anxiety
• bed wetting
• snoring
• sleep apnoea
• asthma
• teeth-grinding
• hyperactivity
• jaw tension/dysfunction
• headache
• chewing and swallowing issues
• low energy
• depression and fatigue
• regular coughing
• regular throat-clearing
• regular yawing
• open-mouth posture
• malocclusion
• dental decay
• nasal congestion.

Breathing education involves using some of the Buteyko base breathing exercises I have learned through my training with John Wilson (Buteyko breathing practitioner) and Tess Graham (Buteyko practitioner, physiotherapist and author).

A thorough case history is taken either online or in person and appropriate program for the individual’s needs is created.

Dr Christina Fraval

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist

Osteopath BAppSc (ClinSc), BOsteoSc

Breathing Educator