Osteopath service for Dental Underbite, Overbite, Crowding

Osteopathic care to help prevent Dental Underbite, Overbite, and Crowding. With a focus on early intervention and holistic treatment. Christina’s approach is to help clients obtain & maintain optimal jaw alignment and enhance oral health.

Malocclusion and dental issues are often associated with orofacial myofunctional disorders such as harmful habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, pacifier use, incorrect swallow patterns, tongue thrusting, weak orofacial muscles, tongue and lip ties. These can disturb the natural growth of the face and jaws resulting in crooked teeth, gum disease, open bite, jaw dysfunction and relapses in orthodontic treatment.

Orofacial myofunctional therapy and breathing training can help patients of all ages correct many of the these dysfunctions and often works very well alongside orthodontic treatments.

I prioritise early intervention and holistic care, focusing on promoting optimal jaw alignment and enhancing overall oral health. Proper jaw alignment can alleviate facial muscle tension, prevent headaches, relieve chronic congestion, and prevent dental issues.

Some of the conditions that osteopathy may be beneficial for Dental Underbite, Overbite, Crowding include:

  • Dental Underbite: Treatment needed in dental underbite is by addressing musculoskeletal imbalances that may contribute to the misalignment of the lower jaw. Osteopathic treatment focuses on improving jaw alignment, reducing tension in the facial muscles, and promoting optimal dental occlusion for a more balanced bite.
  • Dental Overbite: To support individuals with dental overbite by targeting factors such as postural issues, muscle tension, and jaw alignment abnormalities that may impact the positioning of the upper and lower teeth. Through manual therapy techniques and personalised treatment plans, osteopaths work to enhance jaw alignment and improve dental occlusion for a more harmonious bite.
  • Dental Crowding: Osteopaths focus on enhancing jaw function, reducing tension in the facial muscles, and promoting optimal tooth alignment to alleviate crowding issues and improve overall dental health.
  • Jaw Alignment Abnormalities: We target jaw alignment abnormalities that can lead to dental underbite, overbite, and crowding. By addressing musculoskeletal imbalances, improving jaw function, and reducing facial muscle tension, osteopaths aim to correct jaw alignment issues and enhance dental occlusion for improved oral health and a balanced bite.

Dr Christina Fraval

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist

Osteopath BAppSc (ClinSc), BOsteoSc

Breathing Educator