Osteopathic Treatment for Jaw Issues

I have created specialised treatment services addressing cranial issues. With a focus on treatments that assist with jaw alignment, TMJ, gnawing, and grinding.

I also collaborate with holistic dentists to help alleviate jaw pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve jaw function.

Jaw, TMJ, Grinding Services

Many people grind and clench their jaw during the day and at night causing pain and tension in the head, neck, and temporomandibular joint. Clenching and grinding are often blamed on stress. Although this is a factor, many people don’t realize that clenching and grinding during sleep can be related to breathing and airway dysfunction.

During sleep the muscles of the throat and tongue relax. If there is already a small airway, or there is low tone in the muscles of the tongue, the tongue relaxes and can fall back into the airway causing a blockage (snoring/sleep apnoea). This blockage stimulates the body to wake itself up or compensate by clenching or grinding (the body attempting to move the jaw forward) thus opening the airway and allowing the body to breathe again.

This can put considerable stress on the muscles of the jaw, teeth and neck causing tension headaches, jaw pain and neck pain.

With manual therapy techniques, tailored to specific client needs, I focus on assessing and treating clients to help alleviate pain, improve jaw function & mobility, and reduce symptoms associated with the following -:

  1. Jaw Pain
  2. Gnawing
  3. Grinding (Bruxism)
  4. temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

Some of the conditions that osteopathy may be beneficial for jaw, tmj and gnawing include:

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction: Osteopathy can address issues such as pain, stiffness, clicking, or locking of the jaw joint, providing relief through manual therapy techniques that aim to improve joint function and reduce discomfort.
  • Jaw Pain: Osteopathic treatment can target muscle tension, misalignment, and dysfunction in the jaw area, offering relief from pain and promoting better jaw mobility and function.
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Osteopathy may help manage bruxism by addressing underlying muscle tension and alignment issues in the jaw, potentially reducing grinding-related symptoms and protecting the teeth from excessive wear.
  • Gnawing Sensation: Can target sensations of gnawing or discomfort in the jaw, aiming to address muscle tension, joint restrictions, or other contributing factors to alleviate the sensation.
  • Facial Muscle Tension: Assist in relieving tension in the facial muscles, promoting relaxation and improved circulation to alleviate discomfort and enhance overall facial comfort.
  • Craniofacial Pain: Manage craniofacial pain by addressing musculoskeletal imbalances, joint dysfunction, and tension in the jaw and facial area, aiming to reduce pain and improve quality of life.
  • Headaches: Osteopathy can address headaches related to jaw and TMJ dysfunction by targeting muscle tension, joint restrictions, and nerve irritation in the cranial area, potentially reducing headache frequency and intensity.
  • Ear Pain or Pressure: Helps to alleviate ear pain or pressure by addressing related issues in the jaw, neck, and cranial regions, promoting better alignment and function to relieve symptoms.
  • Neck and Shoulder Tension: Reduce tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, which can contribute to jaw and TMJ issues, promoting overall relaxation and improved mobility in the upper body.
  • Sleep Disorders: Osteopathic treatment may support individuals with sleep disorders related to jaw clenching, teeth grinding, or TMJ dysfunction, aiming to improve sleep quality and overall well-being through targeted interventions.

Dr Christina Fraval

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist

Osteopath BAppSc (ClinSc), BOsteoSc

Breathing Educator

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