Osteopath service for Apnoea Treatment

Cristina’s Apnoea Osteopathy treatment service is dedicated in providing compassionate care for individuals struggling with breathing disorders during sleep, including sleep apnea. We take a holistic approach, focusing on addressing musculoskeletal imbalances, respiratory function, and overall well-being to help improve breathing patterns and quality of rest.

Christina’s goal is to support individuals in achieving better sleep quality and overall health.

I understand the impact that sleep apnea and other breathing-related sleep disorders can have on daily life.

Through gentle manual therapy techniques and personalized treatment plans, I aim to alleviate common symptoms of sleep apnea, such as interrupted breathing and daytime fatigue, while promoting relaxation and enhancing respiratory function.

From the Buteyko breathing perspective sleep apnoea and snoring occur due to incorrect breathing, specifically over breathing or chronic hyperventilation.

Snoring and sleep apnoea often exhibit an orofacial myofunctional disorder or ear nose or throat disorder as part of their clinical presentation. Low tongue tone or low tongue posture can result in the tongue falling into the back of the throat and obstructing the airway resulting in rattling (snoring) of the soft tissues.

Full blockage from the tongue can cause obstructive sleep apnoea. As part of an assessment the individual may need to have a clinical sleep study performed, an ENT assessment, and an orofacial myofunctional assessment done.

People looking for relief from sleep apnoea or snoring problems often have many of the following symptoms:

  • Restless and excessive movements through the night
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Thirst through the night and on waking
  • Dry mouth and throat on waking
  • Excessive tiredness or waking unrefreshed
  • Daytime fatigue, sleepiness in meetings or in front of TV
  • Sleepiness when driving
  • Sweating at night

Some of the conditions that osteopathy may be beneficial for Apnoea or sleep disorder include:

  • Sleep Apnea: Osteopathy can help individuals with sleep apnea by addressing musculoskeletal imbalances that may contribute to airway obstruction during sleep. Osteopathic treatment focuses on improving respiratory function, promoting relaxation, and addressing underlying issues to alleviate symptoms such as interrupted breathing and snoring.
  • Sleep Disorders: We have experience in solving different range of sleep disorders beyond sleep apnea, including insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy. Through manual therapy techniques and personalised treatment plans, osteopaths aim to improve sleep quality by addressing physical and emotional factors that may affect restful sleep.
  • Breathing Disorders: Individuals with breathing disorders, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and allergies, can benefit from osteopathic treatment to enhance respiratory function and alleviate related symptoms. Osteopaths work to improve lung capacity, promote efficient breathing patterns, and address musculoskeletal issues that may impact breathing.
  • Musculoskeletal Imbalances: Osteopathy targets musculoskeletal imbalances that can affect breathing and contribute to sleep disorders. By addressing issues such as poor posture, tension in the chest and diaphragm, and restricted movement of the ribcage, osteopaths help improve respiratory function and overall breathing mechanics for better sleep quality.
  • Stress and Anxiety: We are at full attention to support individuals experiencing stress and anxiety, which may disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to sleep disorders. Through relaxation techniques, stress management strategies, and addressing physical tension, osteopaths aim to promote emotional well-being and improve sleep quality for individuals dealing with these issues.

Dr Christina Fraval

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist

Osteopath BAppSc (ClinSc), BOsteoSc

Breathing Educator